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Makeup tools & reviews


Salam and Hi!

Today I feel like creating this page to talk about make-up and tools that I use every time I do makeup on my  clients. I must admit some people do ask what brand I  or any other MUA use. But so far, Alhamdulillah, until today not even one of my past clients or future ones ask the question (not that I mind if they did). Perhaps they trust me enough and they believe in my work :)

I will share my personal views on products that I have used and those am currently using. All views are given based on personal experience. However, bear in mind, the products that worked on my skin will not necessarily work on your skin. The best way to find out whether or not it is suitable with your skin is by testing the product yourself. First hand experience is valuable!

Take a peak at my humble makeup collection for base / foundationNot enough? Yeah, you are right. But I prefer to take time to grow the numbers of my stuff. Kinda like romance. Slow and steady in the initial stage :P 

What is base? In my own word - Base is the canvas of a painting. In this case, the canvas is your face. To make a beautiful art piece, a painter need a smooth and clean canvas. How to do this? Easy. You need primer to even out the texture of the skin, correct skin tone irregularities, enhance the durability of foundation and finally, minimize your pores.

Then you apply foundation. How much is needed? Sheer coverage? Light, medium or full? Look at yourself and ask question. Do I have severe flaws that I have to cover? Acne or blemishes that I want to conceal? How much coverage you need is depend on your skin condition, tone, complexion and other skin irregularities that you can think of. You may don't need to have on full coverage on your entire face but just on T-Zone are and vice versa. The most important thing is, try not to conceal and heavily cover skin that is healthy. The more healthy natural skin is shown is more fabulous! Am pretty sure none of us would like to go out looking like a walking wax dolls!! 

So, which coverage am I? Good question :) This might help you. 
*Source: Wikipedia

Coverage refers to the opacity of the makeup, or how much it will conceal on the skin.

Is the most transparent and contains the least amount of pigment. It will not hide discolorations on the skin. However, it can minimize the contrast between the discoloration and the rest of the skin tone.

It can cover unevenness and slight blotchiness, but is not opaque enough to cove freckles. It contains 13 - 18% pigment.

This coverage can, when set with a tinted (instead of translucent) powder, cover freckles, discoloration, blotchiness and red marks left by pimples. It contains 18 - 23% pigment.

This coverage is very opaque and used to cover birthmarks, vitiligo, hyper pigmentation, acne and scars. It is sometimes referred to as "corrective" or "camouflage" make-up. In general, it contains up to 35% pigment, though professional brands designed for use on stage, can contain up to 50% pigment.


Assalammualaikum dan Hi Semua!

Dah lama sangat Nissa tak update blog ni. Rindu plak.. hehe.. Setelah sekian lama tak coret di sini, Nissa rasa eloklah Nissa mulakan dengan page Makeup tools & reviews. Sebab banyak yang boleh dikongsi dengan rakan-rakan di luar sana =) 

Entry sebelum ni Nissa ceritakan berkenaan base/foundation dan hanya tunjukkan gambar produk yang Nissa guna secara keseluruhan. So this time Nissa akan ceritakan satu-satu base/foundation yang Nissa guna. Lagi pun ada produk yang Nissa dah tak guna lagi dalam gambar tu seperti Magic BB Cream dan Revlon Beyond Neutral.

Okay... kita start dengan base ya..


1. Laura Mercier Foundation Primer
Yang ni Nissa sangat recommend pada korang. The texture is very lightweight and in cream form. Pemakaian dia hanya sedikit sahaja. Cukup 1 dot each for dahi, both cheeks and dagu. Boleh sapu tang area hidung skali. Nissa selalu guna ini sebelum apply foundation     pada muka client. Bila sapu foundation, nampak rata dan sekata. Selain dari itu, ia buat mekap kita tahan lama. Jenis yang ini Nissa apply pada client yang mempunyai kulit normal. 

2. Laura Mercier Secret Finish - Mattifying
Nissa guna ni hanya pada client yang mempunyai kulit yang mudah berminyak atau   bermasalah seperti jerawat. Area yang Nissa akan letak ialah selalunya di dahi, pipi dan hidung dimana situlah T-Zone kita...Since dia mattifying, fungsi dia kawal atau kurangkan shine di muka bila berminyak. Jadi foundation tu taklah bergerak atau hilang tiba-tiba kan.. hehe.. 

3. Makeup Forever HD Primer
My favourite product of all time! Kalau tanya berapa thumbs up Nissa bagi.. Bukan setakat thumbs Nissa bagi, semua jari tangan dan kaki Nissa angkat! =) Sangat, sangat, sangat, saaaaaaangat recommend pada korang yang baru nak berjinak dengan dunia mekap or yang dah otai.. Dia bukan sahaja berfungsi sebagai primer, malah act as a skin care. Nissa notice bila apply MUFE HD Primer ni, kulit jadi lembut, lembap dan dia bagi efek bercahaya yang subtle (glowing bahasa omputih nyeee..) Bukan setakat itu sahaja, dia buat sapuan foundation mudah, sekata dan tahan lama. Dia pun cepat kering jadi tak perlu tunggu lama untuk apply foundation. 

4. Shue Uemura UV under base in BB Beige SPF30 PA+++
Yang ni pula, Nissa selalu gune untuk outdoor makeup. Bila buat photoshoot ke.. Sometimes     pada pengantin yang sanding di rumah. Kenapa outdoor? Sebab dia ada SPF30 untuk   melindungi kulit dari sinaran cahaya matahari. Walaupun warna dia beige, tapi dia sesuai untuk semua warna kulit sebab finishing dia transparent sama juga macam Laura Mercier dan MUFE punya primer. Dia sesuai juga untuk semua jenis kulit, dari normal ke oily skin.

1. Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-place makeup SPF10
One of the best foundation in the market! Nissa suka sebab senang cari colour yang hampir sangat dengan skin tone. Sometimes, you can easily get the exact colour of your skin tone! Dia medium coverage and buildable. Kalau perlu letak sapuan berkali pun, tetap nampak natural tak cakey. Selain itu, foundation ni tahan lama. Texture dia super creamy yet lightweight. 

2. Laura Mercier Oil Free Supreme Foundation
Finishing - full coverage. Boleh cover acne yang tiba-tiba muncul kan.. hehe.. So tak perlu nak tambah concealer to do the job. Dia oil free so sesuai untuk those yang mempunyai oily skin. Selain itu, dia melembapkan kulit kita. 

3. Makeup Forever Face&Body Liquid Makeup
Nissa suka produk ni sebab tekstur sangat lightweight and dia in gel form. Bila nak guna make sure goncang dulu bagi produk sekata. Finishing nampak macam satin gitu yet very natural. Dia kira sapa nak pakai foundation tapi nak macam tak pakai inilah produk yang sesuai! Dia light coverage but buildable. Walaupun layer upon layer disapu, tetap nampak natural okay.. Selain muka, dia boleh juga dipakai di badan. Dah nama pun Face&Body kan... Nissa selalu mix dia ni dengan foundation Laura Mercier bagi +- kelikatan foundation LM.

4. Revlon Photoready
Yang ni medium coverage. Bila apply kena buff betul-betul and cepat sebab dia cepat kering. Nissa selalu mix dengan MUFE Face & Body. Colour range yang available tak banyak kat sini tapi yang available tu dah sesuai dengan skin tone orang Malaysia. Cuma adjust sikit if cerah sikit or gelap sikit dari warna kulit asal. Nissa suka sebab dia matte finish.

5. Dermacolor Camouflage cream
Foundation ni super full coverage. Boleh cover any acne yang degil, open pores, visible scars and even tattoos! Dia sebenarnya foundation tapi disebabkan dia super full coverage, Nissa selalu gunakan dia as a concealer untuk tutup or cover any skin imperfections. Maknanya Nissa tak apply keseluruh wajah. Hanya di area tertentu yang memerlukan lebih perhatian huhu.. Awas! Guna terlalu banyak akan nampak cakey. Tapi it is one of the best! 

6. Supracolor Grease Paint
Sama macam Laura Mercier Oil Free Supreme, dia ni full coverage. Cume tekstur dia agak oily. So Nissa tak sarankan pada those yang punya oily skin. Tapi dia bagi efek glowing and     nampak dolly. Mekap artis Indonesia ramai yang guna dia ni. Masa awal-awal buat bidang mekap ni secara serious, Dermacolor/Supracolor/Kryolan ni la yang jadi produk idaman MUA Malaysia..hahaha.. Sesuai untuk those yang kulit kering/normal.

6. Naturactor
Yang ni pula, medium coverage. Boleh build-up tapi kene buff betul-betul supaya tak nampak cakey. Tekstur lightweight, silky smooth. Boleh juga guna as a concealer untuk cover jerawat     pasir or small scars. Sesuai untuk normal to oily skin.

Untuk primer selalunya Nissa apply either guna jari jemari or flat foundation brush. Mesti ada yang fikir 'eh Nissa ni biar betol guna jari? Bukan tak bersih ke?' Kalau tangan kamu tu tak bersih memangla tak bersih jawabnya.. Alahai.. So make sure tangan tu basuh dengan sabun sebersih-bersihnya or sanitize sebelum menggunakannya! Lagi satu, jangan pelik bin ajaib bila MUA menggunakan jari jemari untuk apply certain things contohnya eyeshadow. Remember, your fingers and hands are your best tools! 

As for foundation pula, Nissa always guna brush. Nissa share contoh pics of the few brushes yang Nissa guna.

BASE - Primer
Flat brush
Picture Source: Estee Lauder

i) Flat top brush - Slightly angle
   Picture Source: http://pondering-beauty.blogspot.com

ii) Real Techniques Buffing Brush & Face Expert Brush
    Picture Source: http://makeupgeek.com.br


Hari ni Nissa nak share apa yang Nissa guna sebelum start mekap muka client and bila dah siap mekap. Nissa memang rekomen produk ni pada semua. Produk ini sangat bagus! Sebelum Nissa start apply solekan pada wajah client, Nissa akan sembur produk ni ke seluruh wajah client. Dia bukan sahaja menyegarkan wajah, ianya melembutkan dan menenangkan kulit terutama sekali yang sensitif. Sangat sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit tak kira kulit kering ke, kulit berminyak ke, combination ke atau kulit berjerawat ke tak kisah! Malah produk ini banyak fungsi dan kegunaanya. The name of this product is Avene Thermal Spring Water. 

Here is some of the info taken directly from its website.

Thermal Spring Water

Avène Thermal Spring Water is the key ingredient for all Avene products. The unique properties in the water assist in its ability to cleanse, soothe and calm mild to highly sensitive skin. With both health and beauty benefits this product can be used to tone the face as well as offer relief to inflamed skin.

Health and beauty benefits
Soothes and calms sensitive skin
Suitable for all degrees of sensitivity
Offers instant relief
Gentle enough for use on face and body
Suitable for infants and adults
Unique Constant Composition
Bacteriologically pure
Rich in silica (14mg/l)
Rich in trace-elements
Low mineral content (207 mg/l)
Bicarbonated profile, calcium & magnesium
pH 7.5
Preservative free

How to use
Spray fine mist onto desired area – face or body. Leave for 2 to 3 minutes to absorb into the skin. Spray on as often as necessary. Do not shake.

*Sourced directly from the Avene Thermal Springs

Alhamdulillah, been using this product since 2009. Will continue to do so! =)

You all semua boleh refer pic ni untuk lebih info on fungsi produk Avene Thermal Spring Water 

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